Danish Chinese written translation

  • Min. 25 lines 
  • Normal text
  • Difficult text (juridicial and technical)
  • Proofreading
  • Urgent task (delivery within 24 hours), maximum 5 normal pages (2400 strokes per page, including spaces)

China package

  • Questionnaire (free)
  • The meeting with the goal
  • Research in specific industry aimed at your goal
  • Competitors survey
  • Finalize marketing strategies

  • Execution of marketing strategies
  • Project summary
  • Project report
  • Suggestions and recommendations

Cross-cultural training

  • Cultural training (sensitive topics in two cultures; customs and etiquette, etc.)
  • Language package (3-day intensive course, 4-week regular course, 8-12 normal week course, customized language course)
  • Simulation training (based on the industry with targeted vocabulary)